
Is the change "poison apple"?


Changes are a necessary part of a company's development. It will take place with or without accepting them. If we are wise and aware, we will be ready to manage the changes. Otherwise, the changes will manage us.

To effectively manage the changes, it is important that you know exactly what you want or what you need to change. When you recognize it, you are already halfway to implementing the change.

No one likes the change, so do not expect that you will rejoice to it. People usually say that the changes are painful. We say that it is necessary, so it is not very important whether it will hurt in the present if it will lead to a more efficient way of working, developing and optimizing the process, rationalizing unnecessary costs, leading to a general business improvement.

And do not forget, change management is a technique that can be learned.

One of the key steps in implementing a change is to form a team that will implement the change. The team should be comprised of persons who, in addition to the necessary competencies related to the type of change that is the subject of implementation, should also be decision makers. Simple changes, makes simple decisions, but the changes of a larger and more important character, carry more complex and responsible decisions.

The change you plan to implement must have certain characteristics. First of all, it must be clear. It means that the change we plan to implement is precisely and accurately defined. Second, it must be measurable. It means that the effects of this change should be expressed in measurable and comparable quantitative and qualitative aspects. Thirdly, the change must be realistic. The change that represents our desires, and not the goal that we can truly achieve, will never be the one that we will be able to apply. Fourth, the change implementation should have realistic timeframes in which it is necessary to implement it.

Once you have defined all aspects of the change, check your conclusions through SWOT analysis. It includes an analysis of internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats). Be objective, real and brave. The changes are healthy, but if we strongly oppose them, they become a "poison apple". SWOT analysis will indicate to you the wider aspect of the change you are implementing, as well as the opportunities that you need to take advantage of. The most important aspect of this analysis is establishing a "roadmap" that should show us how to turn our weaknesses into our strengths and how to overcome external threats by creating challenges and opportunities for us.

Once you have identified all the aspects of the changes you implement, boldly embark on the realization. Be prepared for numerous changes resistance, even from those of which you least expected it. Create a clear communication strategy, which will quickly and properly explain all the benefits that change brings to those who do not believe in it. And stick to the plan that you made as a guideline for applying the change. Measure and compare effects on different steps in the plan. The implementation of some changes may also take longer than we anticipated for it, but do not delay the change and do not wait for "some better time".

Many will warn you that the changes you bring will not lead to good results, its are bitter and unnecessary. They will try to separate you from the change implementation in every way, they will rebel and boycott. But you know that the apple that Snow White ate was "bitter and poisonous", but thanks to it she met the perfect prince!

Author: Aleksandar Panovski, Senior expert on World Bank projects in the field of change management in public sector reform, during his career he has developed numerous tools for change management in the context of high resistance to changes in companies of different structures and type of ownership in the territory of the Western Balkans, he has held more than 500 different seminars and lectures, he is author of numerous articles and scientific texts on changing and change management topics, lives and works in Serbia